Fisher Kindergarten: 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Where are all the turkeys?

We gave out some homework to our kindergarten students and their parents. They were to disguise a turkey so he would be safe on Thanksgiving day.  Here are the results!

 I think the kindergartners did a great job of disguising all the turkeys!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Color of the Day

We will be starting our color unit on Monday October 7.  We will be wearing a different color each school day and doing some colorful projects. Here is the list of days and what color to wear.

Monday Oct. 7 Red
Tuesday Oct. 8 Orange
Wednesday  Oct. 9 Yellow
Thursday Oct. 10 Green
Friday Oct. 11 Blue
Monday Oct. 14 Purple
Tuesday Oct. 15 Pink
Wednesday Oct. 16 White
Thursday Oct. 17 Black
Friday Oct. 18 Gray
Monday Oct. 21 Brown
Tuesday Oct. 22 Rainbow or wear as many colors as you can!

On Friday Oct. 25 we have our fall party. we will also be dressing as your favorite story book character. :-)

Friday, September 13, 2013

A new year!

Our new school year is off to a great start! We now have four kindergarten classes in our building. The kinders are learning so much and are having a great time.

 Our Snack Policy
At Fisher School, our main priority is to keep all children safe.  Due to many different types of allergies, we are asking that each child bring their own nut free snack every day.  We will have a snack time in the morning. The kindergartners eat lunch at 12:30 p.m., which makes it a long time between lunch and breakfast.  So, starting on Tuesday, September 3rd, please send a snack every day with your child in their backpack.  Thank you for your assistance. 
        Also, many children like to celebrate their birthdays at school.  If you would like to send birthday treats, all treats have to be pre-packaged or bought from a bakery with a food label enclosed.  Which means homemade food should not be brought to school as treats.  This will continue our safety of our students here at Fisher School.
Thank you for your understanding on these safety issues.  If you have any questions, contact your child’s teacher or Mrs. Vopava, the principal, 754-1030.


Mrs. Eggers

Mrs. Oetker

Mr. Daugherty 

Miss Garinger

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The school year 2012-2013 is almost over

It is hard to believe that the school year is almost over. The kinders are learning at such a fast rate. It is so rewarding to see them reading and figuring out math problems without our help.  They are truly ready for first grade.  Remember to have your kidos read this summer and check out all the great summer activities at the Marshalltown Public Library

The Kinder Staff,
Mr. Daugherty, Mrs. Eggers, Mrs. Oetker