Fisher Kindergarten: 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Music Concert

Kindergarten - Second Grade
Music Concert

This Friday, December 7, 2012
1:30 PM
at the High School Auditorium
All Family & Friends are invited!

Students are encouraged to wear appropriate pajamas as their concert attire.

All students will return to the school on the bus to finish their school day.

Fundraiser Pick-up

Just a reminder that pick-up of all fundraiser items will be on Thursday, December 13, from 3:00-5:30 PM. Items will be located in the lobby. All items must be picked up on Thursday as we do not have space to store them at school.

Thank you for making our fundraiser a success!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Kindergram November 15, 2012

November 15, 2012

Mr. Daugherty* Mrs. Eggers*Mrs. Oetker

READING: We are Finishing our transportation unit.  We are learning ways we can travel. We are also learning the different parts of a story like the beginning, middle, and end of a story. We are also learning about background, characters, and the setting of a story.  We are learning the sounds of the letters, and how to put letters together to make words. Ask your child about the beginning sounds of a word and the different sounds the letters make in words.

MATH:  We are finishing our numbers to 10 unit and will be starting our unit on comparing numbers. Have your child practive counting and writing their numbers to 10.

HANDWRITING:  We need to keep practicing the upper case letters.  We know how to make all the upper caseletters.  

SCIENCE:  We are discussing the weather and seasons. We are learning how to dress for the different types of weather we have in Iowa.

Parent Visitors: to ensure a minimum disruption to learning please our visitor rules:
1. Always check in at the office and get a visitors badge.
2. If it is the end of the day please wait for your child at the appropriate outside exits.
3. Visitors should wait by the office and your child will be brought down to you.
4. If you are bringing items for your student please leave them in the office and they will be    brought to us. 
5. We are available for conferences regarding your child’s progress before school, 8:00 to 8:25 a.m., and after school, 3:20 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., by appointment on school days.

Birthday Invitations: Please do not send birthday party invitations to school.  Although it may seem convenient to distribute invitations this way, it can result in hurt feelings for those not invited.

Help Student Success: We use the word Quality Work at school.  When your child brings home a project question them on their work.  Ask them if they did quality work and have them explain why it is or is not quality work.

Cold Weather: With cold weather and snow soon on its way please remember to mark all snow pants and coats.  It is amazing how many black size 6 snow pants show up during the winter. Keep practicing buttoning and zipping with your child.  We believe that it is important for children to dress themselves. Our recess time is limited to about 15 minutes, so practicing at home will help the children get outside in time for recess. 
Snacks: Please remember have a snack for your child every Monday and Wednesday.  It is a long time from the start of school and lunch.  Please make sure that any snack brought to school is NUT FREE.  We at Fisher are a NUT FREE Building.

Words we Know: We are learning some kindergarten words this week and they include: I, a, go, can, the, see, like, to, we.  By the end of the year we would like all students to know the 31 kindergarten sight words.

Important Dates to Remember

Ø  November 21 - 25 – Thanksgiving break
Ø  December 20 - Winter Parties
Ø  December 21 - January 1 Winter Break

Things to Work on This Week

Ø  Letter names, both upper case and lower case
Ø  Zipping, snapping, and tying.
Ø  Recognizing Numbers to 15
Ø  AB, ABC, AAB, ABB Patterns

Please make sure your child has gym shoes with them each gym day!  Gym class has lots of running and sharp movement type activities.  If the children are not wearing tennis shoes they run the risk of getting injured or falling and injuring another student.

Pickup and Drop off Procedures
Goal: The safety of all students is a concern that we share. Our goal is to create a safe pick up and drop off spot for all students and their families. By being patient and following a few simple rules, we can accomplish that goal.
  • All drop off and pick up by car will occur on Pleasantview Road in the cutout area.
  •  After dropping off/picking up their child, parents are to immediately move into traffic allowing other parents to drop off their child. This is NOT a parking spot. Drivers must remain in the car.
  • Cars MUST be in the cutout area for students to get into their car. Students will not be allowed to enter the street to get into their parent’s car.
  • Do NOT double park on Pleasantview.
  • Above All: Be Patient, Be Patient, Be Patient!

Thank you for all that you do to make your child’s kindergarten year a successful one.  Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 1, 2012

How to have a Successful Kindergarten Year!

What a great Month of Kindergarten!  We are going to have a fantastic year!  Here are a few things that you can encourage at home so your child has a successful kindergarten year!  Thanks for your help!
·       Follow directions given by an adult
·       Listen when others are talking
·       Look at the person talking with your eyes
·       Worry about yourself
·       Walk inside all buildings
·       Sit on your bottom in chairs and on the carpet (body basics)
·       Raise your hand when you need to talk or need anything
·       Keep hands and feet to self- that is one way we stay safe
·       Flush the toilet everytime you use it and wash your hands when done!

Remind your child to remember to be a Fisher CAT and they will always be doing their job!